Monday, May 2, 2011

Hats! Hundreds of them!

After a little hiatus due to exams and passover... I'm back!! Woo!

The wedding on Friday (don't know if you heard about it...) led me to realize that I love hats!

I really want to go to an event where hats are required and at some point in my life I want to own a hat by Philip Treacy. He's the designer that did most of the hats for the Royal Wedding. I went on his website and did a little shopping (minus the buying, unfortunately).

Here are some of my favourites from the Philip Treacy Spring/Summer 2011 line:

Not only are the hats stunning with their flowy elegance but the mannequins are amazing too!

Which are your favourites? Would you ever wear any of these?


p.s. ten points to whoever gets the title reference first!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A quick post to make you smile

If you're a student I know you could use a little cheering up right about now. If you're not a student I'm sure a laugh will be good for you too!
Check out my silly dance! My favourite combination is "stomp" and "sway". 
Make your own and post the link the comments!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Proteins, Animals, Books, and Fashion

I've been working on an assignment for my analytical genomics using the program SwissModel. I submitted a protein with unknown structure and the program found related protein with known structure and threaded my sequence onto a template to predict its structure. Here's what came out:
Isn't she lovely? Yes, I chose the pink - just because it's super nerdy doesn't mean I can't make it pretty! This program is really cool because is the main player in dictating a protein's function so if we can find out what it looks like then we can (potentially) find out what it does. Of course, this all depends on the size of you databases! Any-who, I won't bore you with this but I thought I'd share it because its pretty cool.

My friend Andrew Quinlan (@quinilan) posted a website on Twitter that made me smile and I thought I'd pass it on. How can you resist baby animals?? Check it out here (hyperlinking is fun) but here are some of my favourites:

And a video from the website for my brother:
They update the website whenever new animals are born in zoos around the world! Super cute!

A final piece of business for today: possibly the nicest studio I've seen (not that I've seen many studios... maybe I should say its the nicest work room I've seen). Check out this piece from StyleCaster about Karl Lagerfeld's design studio in France. Here's a quick peek:

Let me know what you think!
ps. follow me (@edenden) on Twitter!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Unless you've been living under a rock or are really good at focusing on your schoolwork, you've seen this (super adorable) video:
Identical twins have been used for studies of environmental effects on development for a long time because they have identical genes. In my analytical genomics course we learned however that identical twins may not actually be identical genetically! This is because although the genes that are expressed may be identical, the factors regulating their expression have been found to be significantly different. This brings to light how much we DON'T know about the code that shapes us and is quite exciting to think about all the new things we can learn (oy, that sounded reeaaaallly nerdy). Anyway, an interesting implication of that study is that all the previous tests that looked at behavioural effects on development may be defunct because they rely on an underlying assumption that twins are genetically identical!

Okay now go and watch the video again because it is super cute.

You learn something new everyday

So why not share it? I'm going to try and share something everyday that I learned in class or through my random browsing around the internet or at least something cute or funny.
Let me know what you think!
oh and those a d s are for c l i ck i n g!------------>

Jumping on the bandwagon

Here I go!